Modi : 100 Day Citizen Poll Results

100 Day Citizen Poll Results
Executive Summary
LocalCircles, which is a leading Community Social Media platform, recently conducted a citizen poll seeking inputs on Government performance in the first 100 days.

In addition to members in its Governance circles, LocalCircles invited members from various other circles reaching out to over 350,000 citizens to vote. Approximately 50,000 citizens submitted their vote, making the poll one of its kind and providing good insights into what citizens and community think of the new Government.

Overall, two thirds of the citizens say they have felt some positive ground level impact with the new Government taking charge. Bold decisions by the PM like calling off Secretary level talks with Pakistan have been appreciated unanimously. Citizens do feel that while the PM seems to be saying/doing the right things, the connection at constituency level is mostly missing with only 15% citizen feeling connected with their elected Member of Parliament. Citizens also feel that the Government needs to do more on critical issues like Fighting Corruption, Women Safety and Communalism. Overall, two thirds of the citizens polled feel that the Government is meeting/exceeding expectations.

Here are the results of the eight point poll:

Poll # 1 – Positive Ground Level Impact Felt (50,420 votes)

Poll # 2 – Is Women Safety being addressed? (50,269 votes)

Poll # 3 – Is Fighting Corruption being worked upon? (50,233 votes)

Poll # 4 – Is tackling Communalism a priority? (50,204 votes)

Poll # 5 – Was calling off talks with Pakistan right? (50,195 votes)

Poll # 6 – Is the elected MP engaging in local issues? (50,165 votes)

Poll # 7 – Is India expecting a lot in a short time? (50,142 votes)

Poll # 8 – How has the Government done in 100 days? (50,132 votes)

One small town in UK had 1400 girls and they threatened to douse those girls with fire if they open their mouth. They trafficked, they gang raped, all in one small UK town!!! Just read it and you will face this very soon all over the West. See how township UK Muslim councillors protected the rapists and accused the little minor girls!!!! See what the report below says. In one small UK town!!!

Men of Pakistani heritage treated white girls like toilet paper. They picked children up from schools and care homes and trafficked them across northern cities for other men to join in the fun. They doused a 15-year-old in petrol and threatened to set her alight should she dare to report them. They menaced entire families and made young girls watch as they raped other children. The living dolls of Rotherham were bent and twisted to their masters’ will.

Equally horrifying is the suggestion that certain Pakistani councillors asked social workers to reveal the addresses of the shelters where some of the abused girls were hiding. The inquiry was told that influential Pakistani councillors acted as “barriers to communication” on grooming issues.

Why do only Muslim people do it? Why do Muslims behead, rape, convert, terrorize, all over the world where ever they are? One billion Muslims only created terrorists and suicide bombers and not any Nobel prize winners in Science and Technology. Islam does not allow them to live in peace with others and eventually within themselves. The world knows the answer. Western Civilizations need to come to terms and take on the perverted leftists who are allowing those who believe in a brutal political ideology as sacred, those who look up on other religions as Kafir and their women as their sex slaves, into our countries. Deep in their psyche, as the report clearly states, those little UK girls are white trash, their sex slaves. These perverts cover their women from Burkha to Hijab, and deprive any feminity of their own women and look upon Kafir girls as sex slaves. No wonder, the biggest internet hits of Pakistan is for pornographic sites.

The issue is not Muslims, it is allowing those who believe a dangerous facsist and misogynystic political ideology masquerading as religion into our countries. Let them lead their life in their countries, why are we destroying ourselves? Why are we allowing Mosques to build to be future citadels to destroy our civilizations? I can never forget when Obama said Islam build United States. Hope he got some lessons in Islam by now. If any of these morons reflect what we are leading into, they will see what is coming. The Love Jihad and rapes consumed so many women in India. In the case of Delhi Nirbhaya rape, it is the Muslim youth who put rod into the girl’s vagina and pulled our her uterus and intestines and the doctor did not find much of small intestine in her body!!!. Same thing they did with another middle aged Hindu woman in UP where they inserted big rusted rod and killed her after gang raping. During partitions, they raped, mother and daughter across all over Pakistan before their own relatives as they are doing in Bangla Desh today where Mosques talk about Hindu women pubic hair is pleasantly smelling. One 90 year old woman who escaped partition in 1947 told me, as they are coming to India, village after village the local wells are full of bodies of women and girls who prefer to commit suicide than being raped and killed. In India, whether it is a village, town, or district or even a state (e.g, Kashmir), they are doing ethnic cleansing. Ask Dr. Swamy who had to take up a case in Tamilnadu with High court.

Western Civilization is on steroids and the stupid people who are dulled by perverted leftists are committing suicide. UK and increasingly all of Europe, is for all practical purposes, a lost civilization. A native France woman cannot go to Muslims areas and come up without raped or heckled.

Please spread and let the world know. Speak up and ask our politicians to stop immigration of those who believe such ideology as sacred in our nation. Do not support perverted leftist media. Do not allow Mosques to be build in your towns unless there is a constant vigilance of what they are teaching to little Muslim kids. Our biggest menace are perverted leftists and politicians and a civilization that is not understanding the survivability of humanity and the progress it made so far.
Rotherham: In the face of such evil, who is the racist now?
The Yorkshire town where 1,400 girls have been sexually abused by Asian men is a byword for depravity – all because people wouldn’t rock the multicultural boat.
Courtesy: Saumitra Gokhale
Narain Kataria
(718) 478-5735
After 1973 Arab- Israel war oil price reached a record high due to OPEC blockade against west. Over night Arabs became rIch and affluent. With surplus mountain of dollars Arabs launched massive conversion mission within the black community in Europe and America to create a fifth columnist. With pretro-dollar power Arabs started branding Islam as religion of peace in the west. They began buying properties to build huge mosques, even purchased many Church and converted to mosque.

Arabs took full advantage of western secular society and their tolerant attitude.City slums and jails are very ideal for recruiting to Islam/ Jihad. Now it has spread to the white community also, the very theory of Goebbels, “tell a lie hundred times it will become true” has been brilliantly used by the Arabs.

To pull the string of terror in the west, the conversion must be stopped immediately and massive reconversion program should be taken, otherwise west won’t need an foreign military intervention. The newly converted Jihadist will do the rest to make the world look all black like ISIS or ISIL. Massive media campaign against radical Arab doctrine be launched to stop its further growth.

Once heavy weight boxing was very popular in all the Muslim countries due to newly converted Muslim Mohammad Ali. The prize money was unprecedentedly high? To-day nobody in Muslim country knows the name of World heavy weight champion? The heavy weight boxing prize money used to be raised at the behest of Muslim countries with a very long hidden agenda. Ignorance to Islam in the west has become costly and bloody and self-destructive to-day?

By Ram Kumar Ohri
Respected Colleagues:
Enclosed herewith please find a highly topical article written by Shri Ram Kumar Ohri, IPS (retd) I.G./Arunachal Pradesh highlighting the falsehood of dumb Hindu leaders and media regarding the pernicious Islamic gameplan called Love Jihad the existence of which is being denied by far left media and spineless Hindu leaders.

Also attached is a Power Point Presentation circulated by the World Sikh Alliance on Internet nearly 4 years ago which loudly speaks about depredations of Love jihad in the U.K. The Power Point Presentation is an eye opener.

Of late, the issue of “Love-Jihad” in India has assumed an alarming proportion.

Here is one informative quote from the article which details the magnitude of the problem and gives the number of Hindu and Christian girls seduced by Muslim boys in love jihad with a mean, malicious, mendacious and insidious design to convert them to Islam.

“The survey revealed that the number of girls missing from Kerala was 2127 in 2006 and 2560 in 2008. The police is said to have no information in respect of nearly 600 girls out of a total of 4,687 girls trapped in two successive years by love-jihadists. It is only dumb Hindu leaders and “possibly paid media analysts” who are trying to rescue the fundamentalist fraudsters!”

Narain Kataria
(718) 478-5735
Denial of Love Jihad by Dumb Hindu
Politicians and Ignorant Telemedia Anchors
Love jihad by Muslim Romeos is not something new. Nor is the narrative a canard cooked up by the BJP top brass to win elections, as mischievously alleged by some dumb politicians (most of whom have Hindu names) and many ignoramuses among telemedia anchors.

The dangerous phenomenon had found mention at least twice in the US diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks in the years 2010 and 2011. It is a pity that some dumb politicians, wearing the green-coloured secularism on their sleeves have chosen to deny its existence. What is far worse is that many telemedia anchors and column-writers have started denying that love jihad has already made deep inroads into several parts of India. Nearly five years ago there was a major furore across several States of South India due to increased activities of Muslim youth working overtime to entice Hindu and Christian girls of impressionable age.

Our ignoramus politicians and inadequately read media anchors ought to know that according to Wikileaks a cable mailed by Andrew T Simkin, US Consul General in Chennai on February 26, 3010, had alerted his bosses in the USA that “An alleged conspiracy of “foreign-funded” Muslim men attempting to seduce, marry, and convert Hindu and Christian women, has led to state-level investigations and generated widespread suspicions” in South India. The public at large dubbed the so-called conspiracy a “Love Jihad,” and finally top politicians in Karnataka and Kerala were forced to confront the issue in public forums.

The same denouement is likely to be repeated in U.P. Bihar and Maharashtra in the coming months where battalions of love jihadis funded by gulf petro-dollars have been on rampage for last several years.

The contents of the wiki-cable further highlighted that many Hindu and Christian groups were outraged at the ongoing Islamic ‘plot’, while Muslim groups were trying to defend their co-religionists against the conspiracy theorists belonging to Hindu and Christian communities. Though police investigations in South India have cast doubt on the existence of an organized campaign of ‘Love Jihad’, the recurring assertion of its existence demonstrated “ the suspicion and intolerance that exist among some of the religious communities in the region.”

Initially the pernicious effects of the origin of Love Jihad had been noticed in the coastal region of southern Karnataka and northern Kerala, where religious and communal violence used to occur almost regularly.

While India’s dumb politicians and ill-informed telemedia anchors continue to cast doubts on the existence of any love jihad campaign sweeping across many States of India, the stark truth highlighted by many researchers cannot be rebutted easily. On the one hand, Manish Tiwari of Congress, Naresh Agarwal of Samajwadi Party and the Chief Minister of U.P., Akhilesh Yadav were waxing eloquent on 24/7 television channels denying and deriding the campaign of Love Jihad. On the other hand simultaneously the complaint of a prominent national shooter, Tara Shahdeo, surfaced in media which shocked the Hindus. Tara has alleged that a Muslim, Raqibul Hussain had enticed her into love marriage by pretending that he was Hindu named Ranjit Kohli. She alleged that she was tortured to force her to accept Islam as her religion. Tara showed her injuries to Mahua Majhi, Chairperson of the State Women;s Commission. Her complaint is a complete rebuttal of the lies being trotted by the secular chatterati of India’s warped political universe!

Incidentally, in a power point circulated by the World Sikh Alliance 4 years ago it was mentioned that Muslim love- jihadis in the U K were enticing Sikh and Hindu girls by pretending to be Sikhs by wearing a ‘Karra’ (iron bracelet regularly worn by Sikhs) and by claiming to have a Sikh surname like ‘Gill’. A copy of the Power Point circulated by World Sikh Alliance is appended to this article. No wonder, the modus operandi used by Raqibul Hussain to entice the unsuspecting Hindu girl Tara Shahdeo was similar to the strategem used by love-jihadis of the United Kingdom, exposed by Sikh World Alliance.

The wiki-cable sent by Andrew Simkin in February, 2010, to his bosses in the USA further warned that it will be hugely embarrassing for Hindu parents to reveal to friends and relatives that their daughter had been seduced by a Muslim man. The fact that it happened due to machinations of multiple foreign-funded organizations targeting innocent Hindu girls will make the parents of seduced girl often feel ashamed to explain to themselves and others what really happened and how things went wrong.

The cable mailed by the Chennai-based American Consul General further added, ‘Love Jihad’ brouhaha also illustrates the perceived threat that many Hindus in the region feel from ‘forced conversions’, and the general encroachment of ‘alien’ religious forces into what they see as a Hindu religious space. These perceptions — and the related tensions — will likely continue regardless of the content of Karnataka’s official report on the alleged ‘Love Jihad’.”

It will not be easy for India’s secular chatterati to ridicule the existence of a vigorous campaign of ‘Love Jihad’ launched with help of foreign funds to entice Hindu and Christian girls. The truth is already out and more truth will come before the public in the months and years ahead to damn the falsehood preching politicians wearing Hindu names and surnames. Ultimately they will succeed in further painting themselves as anti-Hindu and anti-Christian mavericks trying to charm their Muslim votebank by denial of truth. The allegations are not only true, but the fact that they have gained so much attention in the popular perception will ensure that growing hostility between religious groups will extensively tear apart the fabric of social harmony. It will promote greater tensions in the badly fractured relations between Hindus, Muslims, and Christians all over India.

It is a national shame that platoons of secularism doped Hindu politicians like Akhilesh Yadav, Gaurav Bhatia and Manish Tiwari are trying to assist the Jihadis to take over India through a demographic coup. It is not only Hindu girls who are being seduced and converted. The Christians of Kerala are also angry over the demeaning antics of jihadi Romeos.

In an incisive article titled ‘Love Jihad: A Myth or a Mission’, posted on the website of Uday India an honest Muslim scholar, Syed Wazid Ali, has given some startling facts based on the statistics of a survey conducted by the Crime Record Bureau of Kerala Police and Kochi’s University of Advanced Law Studies. The survey revealed that the number of girls missing from Kerala was 2127 in 2006 and 2560 in 2008. The police is said to have no information in respect of nearly 600 girls out of a total of 4,687 girls trapped in two successive years by love-jihadis. It is only dumb Hindu leaders and “possibly paid media analysts” who are trying to rescue the fundamentalist fraudsters!

It is time for Hindu leaders to speak out openly instead of trying to evade this dangerously deceptive demographic challenge to the Hindu identity of India.

Copyright @ Ram Kumar Ohri







Must see, analyze and please spread the news. We need a spokesperson like this from every country if humanity has to survive as a civilization. See also pictures of what Islam is doing around the world.
———- Forwarded message ———-
Date: Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 12:22 PM
Subject: Fwd: Racist?
Worldwide Terrorism
This is from 9/11 to 2009. The record of Islamic atrocities from 2010 to now (2014) must have exceeded both in number and the extent of brutality from 2001 to 2009.


Where India and particularly Hindus are concerned the media have utterly failed to discharge their obligations rather, they take the meekness of the majority Hindus.

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Fact Finding Report of Bangladesh Minority Watch – Attack on Minority Hindus of Lalmonirhat District on 8th September,2014

Case number: 
Country: Bangladesh
Type of Violation:  Right to properties, Right to life
Acts: Physical Assault and forceful occupation of properities, Extortion.
Investigation conducted by: Bangladesh Minority Watch (BDMW)
1. Identity of the victim(s):
Name:                          1) Sree Rajendra Nath Roy,
                                    2) Ms. Joymala Rani,
                                    3) Ms. Srimati Ratna Bala
                                    4) Uzzal Kumar,
                                    5) Ranjit Kumar Barman
Age at time of event:
Under 18:                   Multiple
Citizenship:                 Bangladeshi
Religion:                      Hindu
Ethnicity:                    Religious minority
Home address:             Village: Nijpara, Mohendra Nagar, P.S and District; Lalmonirhat.
Consent given:            Yes,
2. Date and place of event:
Date:               08 September, 2014
Location:        Nijpara, within the dwelling Houses of Complainant at Lalmonirhat.
3. Alleged perpetrator(s):
1) Lutu Meah (30) son of Md. Rafiqul Hoque, 2) Mukul Meah (30), son of Shamser Ali, 3) Mokshedul (25)son of Afzal, 4) Majed (22) son of Afzal, 5) Mojidul(20) son of Asiruddin, 6) Jewel (23) son of Asiruddin, 7) Enamul (25) son of late Abul Hossain, 8) Sohag (25) son of Aftab Patwari, 9) Babu (35) son of Asiruddin, 10) Md. Younus,(25) son of  Md.Kashem Mistry, 11) Rezaul (30) son of late Korban, 12) Imran (32) son of Korban, 13) Rana(25) son of Md.Umed Ali, 14) Rayhan (35) son of late Nurul, 15) Lulu (32) of Jobed Ali, 16) Ameen (35) son of Asgar and more 10 to 15 perpetrators.all are living within Lalmonirhat Upazila of Lalmonirhat District.
4. Legal status:
·         Sree Rajendra Nath Roy (35) son of Late Surendra Nlath Roy lodged first information report (FIR) at Lalmonirhat Sadar Police station being Lalmonirhat P.S. case No. 24 dated 09.09.2014 against those perpetrators under section 4 and 5 of Speedy Trial Act for attacking on victims and looting valuables.
·         Police so far arrested only one accused – Jewel; others are reported to be absconding.
 Case in Brief:
On 08.09.2014 the noted perpetrators through their mobile set demanded Taka 50,000/- from the victim – Sree Rajendra Nath Roy( grocery shop keeper) Rajendra Nath refused to pay such amount of money to extortionists as a result on the same night at about 9.30 p.m. while Sree Rajendra was preparing to take rest, all on a sudden perpetrators armed with deadly weapon such as knife, Ramdao, kirish, bamboo sticks, iron rod etc. without any lawful authority, creating havoc in the area, entered into the premises of Hindu houses and started to loot properties, indiscriminately attacking women and children including Rajendra. The inmates of the houses cried loudly to rescue them but nobody came forward for their safety. Due to such abrupt assault two wives 1) Ms.Joymala Rani and 2) Ms.Sreemati Ratna Bala (pregnant women) 3) Rajendra sustained multiple injuries and they have been taken local Sadar Hospital for treatment.  During attacks and looting 1) Ranjit (30), 2) Sree Ram Chandra, 3) Kameswar, 4) Purna Roy, 5) Sailen, 6) Rantna Rani, 7) Manik Chandra, 8) Mukul chandra, 9) Shahidul Islam, 10) Md. Zahangir Alam, 11) Abul Hossain witnessed the scenario/act of vandalism and looting. The loss caused to those Hindu communities was approximate Taka 4, 00,000/- The police investigating the matter.
I, Adv. Rabindra Ghosh of BDMW communicated with the Superintendent of Police, Lalmonirhat and Officer in Charge of Lalmonirhat Sadar police station over their cell numbers and police admitted the incident and said that they are trying to arrest the perpetrators. I also communicated with local journalists who also confirmed that the perpetrators are all Muslims and due to non compliance of order of illegal payment (extortion of money) those perpetrators attacked on Hindu inhabitants and rendered those family homeless and physically disabled.  I also talked with victim Sree Rajendra Nath Roy and their family members who recently released from nearest Hospital after taking medical treatment said “ We are helpless, we have been mercilessly beaten, our movable properties looted, houses broken, women and children physically assaulted by extortionists, but police could not arrest none of the perpetrators due to obvious reasons, local negotiators coming to our houses  and putting pressure on us to withdraw the case against perpetrators; your kind legal assistance in this regard  would be appreciated” I guess the victim’s family are in extreme difficulty as the police neglected to give adequate protection on their lives and properties despite repeated requests.

5. Case Summary:
Houses belonging to Hindu religious minorities attacked, and vandalized by perpetrators for extorting money. The perpetrators are habitual offenders; they had been extorting money and properties belonging to Minorities since long. They had been extorting money through their Cell number 0195279331 and 01751301571 (cell belonging Lutu Meah and cell belonging to Mokhsedul) to Cell Number 01751301571 belonging to Sree Rajendra Nath Roy The attacks started on 08.09.2014 at about 9 pm and continued till 9.40 p.m. At least six Hindu people were injured by extortionists as they refused to pay illegal toll. Criminal case started against them under proper section of law. But police did nothing to recover the looted materials from the perpetrators nor did they arrest perpetrators. BDMW have bitter experience about the inaction of the police while they visited several places of incidents of atrocities for fact-finding against minorities soon after the election held at Patgram, Aditmari, Hatibandha of Lalmonirhat District.
6.  Recommendations:
Bangladesh Minority Watch is very much shocked at the repeated incidents of minority repression at Lalmonirhat District, where BDMW visited several times to give legal assistance at Patgram and other Upazila  but the co-operation made by Police is far from satisfactory.
BDMW demand:
a)      Immediate arrest of perpetrators responsible for attack and extortion of money;
b)      The women and children admitted at Sadar Hospital should be provided sufficient medical assistance to enable them to restore their physical condition alright and fit.
c)      The Government should provide compensation to the victim’s family for their rehabilitation at their homes.
d)     The Responsible police officers who are found to be negligent in taking prompt action should be brought to book as per law.
e)      Sense of creating awareness amongst the people of the locality for prompt redress should be lessoned.
f)       Sense of security and protection for minorities should be prevailed so that those victims may not feel unsecured at their home.
7. Case Documents:
·         Case file  by BDMW
·         News scanning (The Daily Star,dated 10th September, 2014)
Document:                                                     Date:
Case file                                                        16/09/2014
8. Clarification.

Where India and particularly Hindus are concerned the media have utterly failed to discharge their obligations rather, they take the meekness of the majority Hindus.

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Warning: The Truth About White Bread!

The Truth About White Bread

We know that there are many people round the world who enjoy eating white bread. But today, we’d like to give you some facts that may shock and surprise you. It’s not only that white bread isn’t good for your health, it can actually be a real danger to your health! 

The Swiss government has been aware of the dangers of eating white bread for decades and in order to get its populace to stop eating it, Switzerland has placed a tax on the purchase of white bread. The tax money is given to bakers to reduce the price of whole wheat bread to encourage people to switch.

The Canadian government passed a law prohibiting the “enrichment” of white bread with synthetic vitamins. Bread must contain the original vitamins found in the grain, not imitations .

Essentially, white bread is dead bread. Frequently, consumers are not told the truth about this and so called “enriched” flour.

Why is the color of white bread so white when the flour taken from wheat is not?

It’s because the flour used to make white bread is chemically bleached, just like you bleach your clothes. When you are eating white bread, you are also eating residual chemical bleach . Flour mills use different chemical bleaches, all of which are pretty bad.

Here are a few of them: Oxide of nitrogen, chlorine, chloride, nitrosyl and benzoyl peroxide mixed with various chemical salts.

One bleaching agent, chloride oxide, combined with whatever proteins are still left in the flour, produces alloxan. Alloxon is a poison and has been used to produce diabetes in laboratory animals. 

Chlorine oxide destroys the vital wheat germ oil. It will also shorten the flour’s shelf life.

Good Nutrition: You won’t find it In white bread In the process of making flour white, half of the good unsaturated fatty acids, that are high in food value, are lost in the milling process alone, and virtually all the vitamin E is lost with the removal of wheat germ and bran.  

As a result, the remaining flour in the white bread you buy, contains only poor quality proteins and fattening starch. But that is not the whole story as to the loss of nutrients. 

Here are some other statistics about the huge loss of nutrients when white bread is made:

· About 50% of all calcium is lost

· 70% of phosphorus

· 80% of iron

· 98% of  magnesium

· 75% of manganese

· 50% of potassium and

· 65% of of copper is destroyed when white bread is made.

· 80% of thiamin, 60% of riboflavin, 75% of niacin, 50% of pantothenic acid.

· About 50% of Pyridoxine is also lost.

Scientific study has confirmed what the swiss have known for years these horrific numbers are the results of a study run by the university of california, college of agriculture. It is obvious, from what we have learned, that white bread should be avoided.   

Whole wheat, rye and grain breads made with whole wheat flour are a better way. 

It is a good idea to always read the labels and never buy foods that contain artificial flavors, colors, bleached flour, preservatives, hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils.

Images courtest of: Rawich /
Submitted by:  venkatachalam p

Reality,purpose,Financing/Rewarding of Love jihad

I don’t know it’s true or false,
I got this from internet.

English Version

Quiz (Love Jihad subject): –
(1) Question: – What is Love Jihad?
Answer: – When a Muslim man caresses a non-Muslim woman to marry him and luring him by destroying her modesty takes converted to Islam.
That is called Love Jihad.
(2) Question: – Why is Love Jihad?
Answer: – the non-Muslims are quick Islamikrn. Because we like
If any are to be terminated is corrupted their women. So that they lose their self-respect in society and in other societies would be forced to go. Muslim girl became the property of the owner and the
Girl can not live in the house by raising the head. Love is the main purpose of jihad al-
Tkiah, (Gajhwa e-Hind), ie Islamikrn of India.
(3) Question: – How does Islamikrn of Love Jihad?
Answer: – Because of Love Jihad victim girl is not prepared to adopt the Hindu society. And causing him to lose balance and no way is it Vivs Muslim to live in hell. So are children of the same type of girl that Muslims are like that too. So by increasing the number of Muslims
Islamikrn nation moves quickly.
(4) Questions: – What is the status of women victims of Love Jihad?
Answer: – Love Jihad victim status of women is worse than hell. As with many Muslim girls are given in marriage after she divorced. And later pushed them also are in the business of prostitution. Or they come to visit India are sold to Arab Sheikhs. In Arab countries, which tend to take them with me. There she ‘salty Begum’ is addressed by the name, is exploited with them enslaved. Many times they are sent to Pakistan via Nepal, or Assam, Tripura, Bangladesh or they are sent to Bengal (Bengal Congress Rumi Nath, the latest example of a jihadist whom the victim through Facebook and sent to Bangladesh) . There are many more examples.
(5) Q: – What disservice to the nation will be Islamikrn?
Answer: – of any nation when there Islamikrn Qur’an Sharia law applies, keep the ideas of democracy and freedom ends up
Becomes. Vile ideology of Islam in the country is very narrow and is fastened. Which is the exploitation of women. They are deemed cultivated men. Where women are not respected male unkind. Vasanamay be ruthless men in society and the environment is enormous indignation. Where power is handed to the country that Islam is an abattoir, which was abatement of human bodies, animal bodies appear abatement occurred. Women are denied their rights. Muslim men three times whenever her “divorce divorce by saying” takes rid of him. In relationships or marriages of blood relatives being in relationships is not new-born children Mansik development. And the Islami non-Muslims in the country to their religious freedom does not work. Their women are picked up at the tip of the guns or swords l (used as Jewish or Christian women with Prophet Muhammad). Are attacks on their religious festivals (such as occurs with Muslim-majority Kashmir Amarnath pilgrims). Scrape the eyes of women
Lee has Jachi. When a man rapes a woman does with any penalty Men
Is not the same woman. Half buried in the ground on those women
Sngsar (showers of stones) are used. Mulviyon mosques around the ill-fated Ajhanen hears, things just a little fights and bloodshed in the Muslim Muhllon is the way to stop people on the streets are read Nmajen. Many human societies have to face such losses. Which is the result of the country’s Islamikrn.
(6) Q: – How is India operates in the Love Jihad?
Answer: – for it to operate in Pakistan or Arab countries these there
Makes huge money by sheikhs who are the owners of the oil wells. This money is given to them as the All India Muslim Scholarship Fund. These per month
Muslim and Hindu girls hooligans are prepared to entrap them ₹ 10000 monthly salary is ₹ 8000. If a locality in mosques
The meeting is held all Muslims. The participants range from rich to poor
People come to class, which Rediwala, shawls seller Ksmiri Pathan, work at home
Who, barber, cobbler, etc.. They walk around in Hindu or Sikh These Ilakon
Called to find out what young girl is home. Then sell shawl
These monitors are Pathans. And then they made a list of girls and
Jihadist goons that they are prepared to look Kttehon athleticism, motor Saiklen purchases are made. This is placed in mosques. तो ये युवक अपनी कलाईयों पर मौलीयाँ बाँध कर निकल अपने नाम बदल कर हिन्दू नाम रख लेते हैं और इन लड़कियों के पीछे पड़ जाते हैं ।और अगर कोई लड़की दो सप्ताह के भीतर नहीं फंसती तो फिर ये उसे छोड़ कर लिस्ट की दूसरी लड़की पर अपने Jihad set out to try out. If someone like that girl in the neighborhood of Love Jihad
Is a victim of the same. The second way that social networking sites such as these on faceook etc. These guys are my real Id Fake Id or the Hindu
Girls send the request. And as soon as they are training these people trap these girls like to send a message. And they lost everything girls tend to get trapped Ksn their infatuation trap.
(7) Q: – What do jihad Love Again Trikehan or is there more?
Answer: – a lot of it is extremely difficult to get to know all about and explains some
. These are the rounds of schools and colleges Muslim Jihadist goons. And girls are falling behind. Sheliyon Muslim youth studying in schools or with the help of his Muslim friends with their Hindu friends and slowly
Start your Karwaiyaँ. Or further mobile Colleges and Schools
Shops are opened by Muslims. Wherein the Hindu, Buddhist or Jain etc. Girls are getting phone recharge, so their numbers wrong using these to further divide Jihadiyon. Messages that they send dirty dirty porn.
First it coming constantly messaging on Ldtiaँ they are ignored for too long, can not ignore. So that they are trapped in the sexiest things lose control and give over to the supreme Jihadiyon. And all this is not a whim. These jihadists are given training on how to do all this from a girl how to understand the mind set that trap. That only small
Moto are other ways, but the core is there.
(8) Question: – It Dijiye Examples of Love Jihad.
Answer: – Are you experienced great big Examples: – Bollywood Bollywood Muslim
Why only Hindu wives are the actors? Shahrukh Khan, Aamir Khan, Fardeen Khan, Sohail Khan, Arbajh Khan, Saif Ali Khan, Sajid Khan, etc. How many
Hindu girls whose marriage has the same name. Muslim girls did not like any of these? Aamir Khan and Saif Ali Khan’s marriage was one instead of two Hindu girls. And these are the ideal Hindu values
The girls are trapped in the clutches of Muslims lose their identity. There was a Film Abhishek Bachchan Aftab and she plays the sister of the gods Ajay is in love with Prachi Desai. Ajay gods that prevents him, he gives the example of a spoiled girl Saif and Shah Rukh etc. and that they accept their role model. To see what impact these have on the hearts of Hindu girls Imagine. These girls just do not care about the outcome and she looks every jihadist Salman or Shah Rukh. And tend to ruin my life.
(9) Q: – What is all this and get these Muslims?
Answer: – to make them all pay monthly and get a huge reward. The second reason is because Islam is a fanatical hatred and murder foundation of education
Mulviyon is underpinned by the mosque to be lured by false muhammadee paradise. He says that if at least one Hindu girl to marry and instead
Get seventh heaven of Asman. Whether they eliminate the cultivation of infidels, jihad
It does not matter to their Arabic Allah has prepared for them in heaven. 72 Then a pious Muslim women in which one enjoys. Well there are many types of Islam jihad jihad on the main two types are: –
Jihad-e-Akbar (greater jihad)
Jihad-e-Asghar (the lesser jihad)
Which of these is Love Jihad, Jihad-e-Akbar she
In a larger format.
(10) Question: – The Love Jihadiyon Hindu girl to marry or to pollute
What is the reward?
Answer: – The following declared a reward for trapping non-Muslim girls
Is: –
Sikh girl = 9 million
Punjabi Hindu girl = 8 million
Hindu Brahmin girl = 7 million
Hindu Kshatriya girl = 6 million
Hindu Vaish girl = 5 million
Hindu Dalit girl = 2 million
Hindu Jain girl = 4 million
Buddhist girl = 4.2 million
Christian Catholic girl = 3.5 million
Christian Protestant girl = 3.2 million
Shiite Muslim girl = 4 million
They may be slightly lower or higher on the prize is not much difference.
(11) Question: – Where is the Love Jihad and operation of the prize is announced?
Answer: – Kerala Malabar is the main operation. But now his wings are spread all over India. Love Jihad in Kerala because of the more than 5,000 cases have come before the Court. So how many cases are in India?
If you must read it, and every Hindu to Hindu then try to cause.
Jai Hind, Jai Mewar, Jai bharat mata ki.

Hindi Verson;

प्रश्नोत्तरी ( लव जिहाद विषय ) :-
(1) प्रश्न :- लव जिहाद किसे कहते हैं ?
उत्तर :- जब कोई मुसलमान पुरुष किसी गैर मुसलमान युवती को बहला फुसला कर उसके शील को भंग करके उससे शादी करके उसको ईस्लाम में दीक्षित कर लेता है ।
इसी को लव जिहाद कहा जाता है ।
(2) प्रश्न :- लव जिहाद क्यों किया जाता है ?
उत्तर :- ताकि गैर मुसलमानों का शीघ्रता से ईस्लामीकरण हो । क्योंकिं जैसे
किसी भी जाती को समाप्त करना हो तो उनकी स्त्रीयों को दूषित किया जाता है । जिससे कि वो अपने समाज में आत्म सम्मान खो दें और दूसरे समाज में जाने को बाध्य हो सकें । जिससे कि मुसलमान उस लड़की की सम्पत्ति का मालिक बने और उस
लड़की के घर वाले सिर उठा कर नहीं जी सकें। लव जिहाद का मुख्य उद्देश्य है अल
तकियाह, ( गज़्वा ए हिन्द ) यानी कि भारत का ईस्लामीकरण ।
(3) प्रश्न :- लव जिहाद से ईस्लामीकरण कैसे होता है ?
उत्तर :- क्योंकि लव जिहाद की शिकार युवती को उसका हिन्दू समाज अपनाने को तैय्यार नहीं होता है । और जिसके कारण उसके पास और कोई मार्ग शेष नहीं रहता तो वह मुसलमानी नर्क में जीने को विवष हो जाती है । तो इसी प्रकार जो उस लड़की के बच्चे होते हैं वो भी मुसलमान ही होते हैं । तो ऐसे मुसलमानों की संख्या वृद्धि होने से राष्ट्र शीघ्रता से ईस्लामीकरण की ओर बढ़ता है ।
(4) प्रश्न :- लव जिहाद की शिकार युवतियों की स्थिती कैसी होती है ?
उत्तर :- लव जिहाद की शिकार युवतियों की स्थिती नर्क से बदतर होती है । जैसा कि कई लड़कियों के मुसलमानों के साथ विवाह के बाद वो तलाक दे दी जाती हैं। और बाद में उनकों वैश्यावृत्ति के धंधे में धकेल दिया जाता है । या फिर उनको भारत की यात्रा पर आये अरब के शेखों को बेच दिया जाता है । जो उनको अपने साथ अरब देशों में ले जाते हैं । वहाँ उनको ‘नमकीन बेगम’ के नाम से सम्बोधित किया जाता है, उन्हें गुलाम बनाकर इनके साथ शोषण किया जाता है । कई बार उनको नेपाल के माध्यम से पाकिस्तान भेजा जाता है, या फिर असम, त्रिपुरा या बंगाल से उनको बांग्लादेश भेजा जाता है ( बंगाल की कांग्रेस सांसद रूमी नाथ इसकी ताज़ा उदाहरण है जिसे एक जिहादी ने फेसबुक के ज़रिये शिकार बनाया और बंग्लादेश भेज दिया ) । ऐसी कई और उदाहरण हैं ।
(5) प्रश्न :- राष्ट्र के ईस्लामीकरण होने से क्या हानी होगी ?
उत्तर :- किसी भी राष्ट्र का ईस्लामीकरण होने से वहाँ कुरान का शरिया कानून लागू होता है, लोकतन्त्र समाप्त हो जाता है और विचारों को रखने की स्वतन्त्रता समाप्त
हो जाती है । देश ईस्लाम की अत्यन्त संकुचित और नीच विचारधारा में जकड़ा जाता है। जिसमें स्त्रीयों का शोषण होता है । उनको पुरुषों की खेती समझा जाता है । जहाँ स्त्रीयों का सम्मान नहीं वहाँ पुरुष निर्दयी हो जाते हैं । पुरुषों के निर्दयी होने से समाज में भारी क्षोभ और वासनामय वातावरण होता है । जहाँ सत्ता ईसलाम के हाथ है वो देश एक बूचड़खाना होता है, जिसमें मानवों की कटती हुई लाशें, पशुओं की कटती हुई लाशें दिखाई देती हैं । स्त्रीयों को उनके अधिकारों से वंचित रखा जाता है । मुसलमान पुरुष जब चाहे उसे तीन बार “तलाक तलाक तलाक” कह कर उससे पीछा छुड़ा लेता है। खून के रिश्तों में या सगे रिश्तों में ही शादियाँ होने से नये जन्मे बच्चों का मान्सिक विकास नहीं होता है । और उस ईस्लामी देश में गैर मुसलमानों को अपने अपने धार्मिक कार्य करने की आज़ादी नहीं होती । उनकी स्त्रीयों को बंदूकों या तलवारों की नोक पर उठा लिया जाता है l ( जैसा कि पैगम्बर मुहम्मद किया करता था यहूदी या ईसाई औरतों के साथ ) । उनके धार्मिक उत्सवों पर हमले किये जाते हैं , ( जैसे कि मुस्लिम बाहुल्य काशमीर में अमरनाथ यात्रियों के साथ होता है ) । स्त्रीयों की आँखें नोच
ली जाची हैं । कसी स्त्री के साथ कोई पुरुष जब बलात्कार करता है तो दंड पुरुष को नहीं स्त्री को ही दिया जाता है । स्त्रीयों को ज़मीन में आधा गाड़ कर उन पर
संगसार ( पत्थरों की बारिश ) किया जाता है। चारों ओर मस्जिदों से मौलवीयों की मनहूस आज़ानें सुनाई देती हैं, ज़रा ज़रा सी बातों पर मुसलमानी मौहल्लों में लड़ाईयाँ और खून खराबा होता है, सड़कों पर लोगों के रास्ते रोक कर नमाजें पढ़ी जाती हैं । तो ऐसी अनेकों हानियाँ मानव समाज को उठानी पड़ती हैं । जो की देश के ईसलामीकरण का परिणाम है ।
(6) प्रश्न :- भारत में लव जिहाद संचालित कैसे होता है ?
उत्तर :- इसको संचालित करने के लिये पाकिस्तान, या अरब देशों से इनको वहाँ के शेखों द्वारा भारी पैसा आता है जो कि तेल के कुओं के मालिक होते हैं । ये पैसा उनको All India Muslim Scholarship Fund के रूप में दिया जाता है । प्रती माह इन मुस्लिम गुंडों को तैयार किया जाता है और हिन्दू लड़कियों को फंसाने के लिये इनको ₹ 8000 से ₹10000 मासिक वेतन दिया जाता है । तो मस्जिदों में किसी मुहल्ले के सभी मुसलमानों की मीटिंग रखी जाती है । जिसमें भाग लेने वाले अमीर से लेकर गरीब तबके के लोग आते हैं, जिसमें रेड़ीवाला,शॉल बेचने वाले कशमीरी पठान, घरों में काम करने वाले, नाई, चमार आदि । इनको हिन्दू या सिक्ख ईलाकों में घूम घूम कर ये पता लगाने को कहा जाता है कि किस घर की लड़की जवान हो गई है । तो शाल बेचने वाले पठान ये नज़र रखते हैं । और फिर ये लड़कियों की लिस्ट बनाई जाती है और जिहादी गुंडे जो कि दिखने में हट्टे कट्टेहों उनको तैयार किया जाता है, मोटर साईकलें खरीद कर दी जाती हैं । जिनको मस्जिदों में रखा जाता है । तो ये युवक अपनी कलाईयों पर मौलीयाँ बाँध कर निकल अपने नाम बदल कर हिन्दू नाम रख लेते हैं और इन लड़कियों के पीछे पड़ जाते हैं ।और अगर कोई लड़की दो सप्ताह के भीतर नहीं फंसती तो फिर ये उसे छोड़ कर लिस्ट की दूसरी लड़की पर अपने जिहाद को आज़माने के लिये निकल पड़ते हैं । तो ऐसे ही पूरे मोहल्ले में से कोई न कोई लड़की लव जिहाद का शिकार हो ही जाती है । दूसरा तरीका ये है कि social networking sites जैसे कि faceook आदि पर ये लोग नकली Id या फिर अपनी असली Id से ही हिन्दू लड़कियों को request भेजते हैं । और जैसे कि इनकी training होती है वैसे ही ये लोग इन लड़कियों को फाँसने के लिये तरह तरह के message भेजते हैं । और वे लड़कियाँ इनके मोह जाल कसं फँसकर अपना सब कुछ गंवा देती हैं ।
(7) प्रश्न :- क्या इसके सिवा और भी तरीकेहैं लव जिहाद करने के या यही हैं ?
उत्तर :- बहुत से हैं सभी के बारे में जान पाना तो बेहद कठिन है पर कुछ और बताते हैंi ये मुस्लिम जिहादी गुंडे स्कूलों कालेजों के चक्कर लगाते रहते हैं। और लड़कियों के पीछे पड़ जाते हैं । या फिर स्कूलों में पढ़ने वाले मुस्लिम युवक अपनी मुस्लिम सहेलीयों की सहायता से उनकी हिन्दू सहेलियों से दोस्ती करते हैं और धीरे धीरे
अपनी कारवाईयाँ शुरू कर देते हैं । या फिर कालेजों और स्कूलों के आगे मोबाईल की दुकानें मुसलमानों के द्वारा खोली जाती हैं । जिसमें जब हिन्दू, बौद्ध या जैन आदि लड़कियाँ फोन रिचार्ज करवाने जाती हैं, तो उनके नम्बरों को ये गलत इस्तेमाल करके आगे जिहादीयों को बाँट देते हैं । जिससे कि वे लोग गंदे गंदे अश्लील मैसेज भेजते हैं ।

पहले तो ये लड़तियाँ उसकी उपेक्षा करती हैं पर लगातार आने वाले मैसेजों को वे ज्यादा समय तक टाल नहीं पातीं । जिससे कि वो कामुक बातों में फँस कर अपना आपा खो देती हैं और अपना सर्वस्व जिहादीयों को सौंप देती हैं । और ये सब यूँ ही नहीं होता है । इन जिहादियों को ये सब करने की training दी जाती है कि किस प्रकार से लड़की कि मानसिक्ता को समझ कर उसे कैसे फाँसना है ।
तो ऐसे ही छोटेमोटो और भी तरीके हैं, परन्तु मुख्य यही हैं ।
(8) प्रश्न :- ये लव जिहाद की कुछ उदाहरणें दीजीये ।
उत्तर :- बड़ी बड़ी उदाहरणें आपके सम्मुख हैं :- Bollywood मायानगरी में मुसलमान अभिनेताओं की केवल हिन्दू पत्नियाँ ही क्यों होती हैं ? शाहरुख खान, आमीर खान, फरदीन खान, सुहैल खान, अरबाज़ खान, सैफ अली खान, साजिद खान आदि कितने ही नाम हैं जिनकी शादियाँ हिन्दू लड़कियों से ही हुई हैं । इनमें से किसी को भी मुसलमान लड़कियाँ क्यों नहीं पसंद आईं ? आमिर खान, और सैफ अली खान की शादी तो एक की बजाये दो दो हिन्दू लड़कियों से हुई । और इन्हीं को आदर्श मान कर हिन्दू लड़कियाँ मुसलमानों के चंगुल में फँस कर अपनी अस्मिता खो देती हैं । एक फिलम आई थी जिसमें अभिषेक बच्चन का नाम आफताब होता है और वो अजय देवगण की बहन का किरदार निभा रही प्राची देसाई से प्रेम करता है । तो अजय देवगण उसे रोकता है तो वो नीच लड़की सैफ और शाहरुख आदि का उदाहरण देती है और उनको अपना आदर्श स्विकार करती है । तो ये देख कर हिन्दू लड़कियों के मनों पर क्या प्रभाव पड़ता है ज़रा सोचिये । तो ऐसे ही इन लड़कियों को परिणाम की पर्वाह नहीं होती और इनको हर जिहादी सलमान या शाहरूख ही दिखता है । और अपना जीवन बर्बाद कर देती हैं ।
(9) प्रश्न :- ये सब करके इन मुसलमानों को मिलता क्या है ?
उत्तर :- इनको ये सब करने के लिये मासिक वेतन और भारी ईनाम मिलता है । दूसरा कारण है मज़हबी जुनून क्योंकि ईस्लाम की शिक्षा ही नफरत और कत्ल की बुनियाद पर टिकी है और मस्जिद के मौल्वीयों के द्वारा झूठी मुहम्मदी जन्नत का लालच दिया जाना । वो कहते हैं कि अगर कम से कम एक हिन्दू लड़की से शादी करो और बदले में सातवें आस्मान की जन्नत पाओ । तो चाहे वो जिहाद काफिरों की खेती को समाप्त करने का ही क्यों न हो इनके अरबी अल्लाह ने इनके लिये जन्नत तैय्यार रखी है । जिसमें फिर एक एक मुसलमान 72 पाक साफ औरतों का आनंद लेता है । ईस्लाम में वैसे बहुत प्रकार के जिहाद हैं पर सबसे मुख्य दो प्रकार के जिहाद हैं :-
जिहाद ए अकबर ( बड़ा जिहाद )
जिहाद ए असगर ( छोटा जिहाद )
ये लव जिहाद जो है, वो जिहाद ए अकबर
का ही एक बड़ा स्वरूप है ।
(10) प्रश्न :- ये लव जिहादीयों को हिन्दू लड़की से शादी करने या नापाक करने
का क्या ईनाम मिलता है ?
उत्तर :- ये निम्न लिखित ईनाम गैर मुसलमान लड़कियों को फँसाने के लिये घोषित
किया है :-
सिक्ख लड़की = 9 लाख
पंजाबी हिन्दू लड़की = 8 लाख
हिन्दू ब्राह्मण लड़की = 7 लाख
हिन्दू क्षत्रीय लड़की = 6 लाख
हिन्दू वैश लड़की = 5 लाख
हिन्दू दलित लड़की = 2 लाख
हिन्दू जैन लड़की = 4 लाख
बौद्ध लड़की = 4.2 लाख
ईसाई कैथोलिक लड़की = 3.5 लाख
ईसाई प्रोटैस्टैंट लड़की = 3.2 लाख
शिया मुसलमान लड़की= 4 लाख
ईनाम इनसे थोड़ा कम या अधिक हो सकता है पर ज्यादा भेद नहीं है ।
(11) प्रश्न :- ये लव जिहाद के ईनाम की घोषणा और संचालन कहाँ से होता है ?
उत्तर :- केरल का मालाबार ही इसका मुख्य संचालन स्थान है । परन्तु अब उसकी शाखायें पूरे भारत में फैल गई हैं । क्योंकि केरल में ही लव जिहाद के 5000 से अधिक मामले कोर्ट के सामने आये हैं । तो पूरे भारत में कितने ही ऐसे मामले होंगे ?
अगर आप हिन्दू हो तो इसको जरुर पढे एवं हर हिन्दू तक पहुचाने की कोशिश करो ।
Jai Hind, Jai Mewar, Jai bharat mata ki. 

Heart attack and water interesting update

Heart attack and water interesting update

How many folks do you know who say they don’t want to drink anything before going to bed because they’ll have to get up during the night.

Heart Attack and Water – I never knew all of this ! Interesting…….
Something else I didn’t know … I asked my Doctor why people need to urinate so much at night time. Answer from my Cardiac Doctor – Gravity holds water in the lower part of your body when you are upright (legs swell).
When you lie down and the lower body (legs and etc) seeks level with the kidneys, it is then that the kidneys remove the water because it is easier. This then ties in with the last statement!
I knew you need your minimum water to help flush the toxins out of your body, but this was news to me. Correct time to drink water…
Very Important. From A Cardiac Specialist!
Drinking water at a certain time maximizes its effectiveness on the body

2 glasses of water after waking up – helps activate internal organs

1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal – helps digestion

1 glass of water before taking a bath – helps lower blood pressure

1 glass of water before going to bed – avoids stroke or heart attack

I can also add to this… My Physician told me that 
water at bed time will also help prevent night time leg cramps. Your leg muscles are seeking hydration when they cramp and wake you up with a Charlie Horse.
Mayo Clinic Aspirin Dr. Virend Somers, is a Cardiologist from the Mayo Clinic, who is lead author of the report in the July 29, 2008 issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

Most heart attacks occur in the day, generally between 6 A.M. and noon. Having one during the night, when the heart should be most at rest, means that something unusual happened. Somers and his colleagues have been working for a decade to show that sleep apnea is to blame.
1.  If you take an aspirin or a baby aspirin once a day, take it at night.
The reason: Aspirin has a 24-hour “half-life”; therefore, if most heart attacks happen in the wee hours of the morning, the Aspirin would be strongest in your system.
2. FYI, Aspirin lasts a really long time in your medicine chest, for years, (when it gets old, it smells like vinegar).
Please read on…
Something that we can do to help ourselves – nice to know. 
Bayer is making crystal aspirin to dissolve instantly on the tongue.
They work much faster than the tablets.
3.  Why keep Aspirin by your bedside? It’s aboutHeart Attacks.
There are other symptoms of a heart attack,besides the pain on the left arm. One must also be aware of an intense pain on the chin, as well asnausea and lots of sweating; however, these symptoms may also occur less frequently.
Note: There may be NO pain in the chest during a heart attack.

The majority of people (about 60%) who had a heart attack during their sleep did not wake up. However, if it occurs, the chest pain may wake you up from your deep sleep.
If that happens
, immediately dissolve two aspirins in your mouth and swallow them with a bit of water.
Afterwards: – Call 911. – Phone a neighbor or a family member who lives very close by.- Say “heart attack!” – Say that you have taken 2 Aspirins.
Take a seat on a chair or sofa near the front door, and wait for their arrival and …DO NOT LIE DOWN!

A Cardiologist has stated that if each person after receiving this e-mail, sends it to 10 people, probably one life could be saved!
I have already shared this information. What about you?
Do forward this message. It may save lives!
“Life is a one time gift”
You may have seen this already, but it never hurts to pass along anyway.
Must Share with others..