Category Archives: Health-Heart

ASPIRIN : Why Aspirin by your bed?

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It is important to always have ASPIRIN in the home!!!
Why have Aspirin by your bedside?

There are other symptoms of an heart attack besides the pain on the left arm.

One must also be aware of an intense pain on the chin,as well as nausea and lots of sweating, however these symptoms may also occur less frequently. Continue reading ASPIRIN : Why Aspirin by your bed?

சர்க்கரை நோய் ,ரத்த அழுத்தம் நோய் பாதிப்பு இருப்பவர்கள் கவனிக்கவும்

kskumarசர்க்கரை நோய் ,ரத்த அழுத்தம் நோய் பாதிப்பு இருப்பவர்கள் கவனிக்கவும்!!!

வீட்டு வாசலிலோ வீட்டு மொட்டை மாடியிலோ பெரிய எட்டு எண் வரைந்து அதில் 15 நிமிடம் நடந்தால் நோய் தீருகிறது என சொல்கிறார்கள். Continue reading சர்க்கரை நோய் ,ரத்த அழுத்தம் நோய் பாதிப்பு இருப்பவர்கள் கவனிக்கவும்

Heart Attacks And Hot Water

Hi Friends,

A very good article which takes two minutes to read. I’m sending this to persons I care about……..I hope you do too!!!

Please read this twice, if not 3 times.
Heart Attacks And Drinking Warm Water 

This is a very good article. Not only about the warm water after your meal, but about Heart Attacks. 

The Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals, not cold water, maybe it is time we adopt their drinking habit while eating.

For those who like to drink cold water, this article is applicable to you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, the cold water will solidify the oily stuff that you have just consumed. It will slow down the digestion. Once this ‘sludge’ reacts with the acid, it will break down and be absorbed by the intestine faster than the solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. It is best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal. 

Common Symptoms Of Heart Attack… 
A serious note about heart attacks – You! Should know that not every heart attack symptom is going to be the left arm hurting . Be aware of intense pain in the jaw line.

You may never have the first chest pain during the course of a heart attack. Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms. 60% of people who have a heart    attack while they are asleep do not wake up. Pain in the jaw can wake you from a sound sleep. Let’s be careful and be aware. The more we know the better chance we could survive.

A cardiologist says if everyone who reads this message sends it to 10 people, you can be sure that we’ll save at least one life. Read this & Send to a friend. It could save a life… So, please be a true friend and send this article to all your friends you care about. 

(Extra: Something else I didn’t know … I asked my Doctor why do people need to urinate so much at night time. Answer from my Cardiac Doctor – Gravity holds water in the lower part of your body when you are upright (legs swell). When you lie down and the lower body (legs and etc) seeks level with the kidneys, it is then that the kidneys remove the water because it is easier. This then ties in with the last statement!
I knew you need your minimum water to help flush the toxins out of your body, but this was news to me. Correct time to drink water… Very Important. From A Cardiac Specialist!
Drinking water at a certain time maximizes its effectiveness on the body: 2 glasses of water after waking up – helps activate internal organs 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal – helps digestion 1 glass of water before taking a bath – helps lower blood pressure 1 glass of water before going to bed – avoids stroke or heart attack. )
I can also add to this… My Physician told me that water at bed time will also help prevent night time leg cramps. Your leg muscles are seeking hydration when they cramp and wake you up with a Charlie Horse.
A Cardiologist has stated that if each person after receiving this e-mail, sends it to 10 people, probably one life could be saved! 
Do forward this message. It may save lives! 
I have already shared this information. What about you? 

God Bless you!!!


Just Walk.!! just walk!!

 Walking 30 minutes a day cuts the rate of people becoming diabetic by more than half and it cuts the risk of people over 60 becoming diabetic by almost 70 percent.

 Walking cuts the risk of stroke by more than 25 percent.

 Walking reduces hypertension. The body has over 100,000 miles of blood vessels.

Those blood vessels are more supple and healthier when we walk.

 Walking cuts the risk of cancer as well as diabetes and stroke.

 Women who walk have a 20 percent lower likelihood of getting breast cancer and a 31 percent lower risk of getting colon cancer.

 Women with breast cancer who walk regularly can reduce their recurrence rate and their mortality rate by over 50 percent.

 The human body works better when we walk. The body resists diseases better when we walk, and the body heals faster when we walk.

 We don’t have to walk a lot.  Thirty minutes a day has a huge impact on our health.

 Men who walk thirty minutes a day have a significantly lower level of prostate cancer. 

  Men who walk regularly have a 60 percent lower risk of colon cancer.

 For men with prostate cancer, studies have shown that walkers have a 46 percent lower mortality rate.

 Walking also helps prevent depression, and people who walk regularly are more likely to see improvements in their depression.

 In one study, people who walked and took medication scored twice as well in 30 days as the women who only took the medication.

 Another study showed that depressed people who walked regularly had a significantly higher level of not being depressed in a year compared to depressed  people who did not walk. 

The body generatesendorphins when we walk. Endorphins help us feel good.

Walking strengthens the heart. Walking strengthens bones.

Walking improves the circulatory system.
Walking generates positive neurochemicals. Healthy eating is important but dieting can trigger negative neurochemicals and can be hard to do.

Walking generates positive neurochemicals. People look forward to walking and enjoy walking.

And research shows that fit beats fat for many people. Walking half an hour a day has health benefits that exceed the benefits of losing 20 pounds.

When we walk every day, our bodies are healthier and stronger. 

A single 30 minute walk can reduce blood pressure by five points for over 20 hours.
Walking reduces the risk of blood clots in your legs.

People who walk regularly have much lower risk of deep vein thrombosis.

People who walk are less likely to catch colds, and when people get colds,  walkers have a 46 percent shorter symptom time from their colds.

Walking improves the health of our blood, as well. Walking is a good boost of high density cholesterol and people with high levels of HDL are less likely to have heart attacks and stroke.

Walking significantly diminishes the risk of hip fracture and the need for gallstone surgery is 20 to 31 percent lower for walkers.

Walking is the right thing to do. The best news is that the 30 minutes doesn’t have to be done in one lump of time.

Two 15 minute walks achieve the same goals.

Three 10 minute walks achieve most of those goals.

We can walk 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes at night and achieve our walking goals.

Walking feels good. It helps the body heal. It keeps the body healthy.

It improves our biological health, 

our physical health, 

our psychosocial health, and helps with our emotional health.

 Walking can literally add years entire years to your life.

Its good to walk.

 Benefits of  Walking:
 Did you know that walking can help reduce or prevent diabetes, heart disease, depression–and even some forms of cancer?

 Please keep walking regularly, daily and stay HEALTHY.

Regular Health Mistakes

Regular Health Mistakes
Crossing our legs
Do you cross your legs at your knees when sitting? Although we may believe that this is the lady-like elegant way to sit, sitting this way cuts down circulation to your legs.

If you don’t want varicose veins to mar the beauty of your legs and compromise your health, uncross your legs every time you realize you have one knee on top of the other. The best way to sit is to simply place both legs together on the floor, balancing your weight equally. If you feel like changing position, instead of crossing your legs, simply move both legs together to one side. As an alternative, you could also consider crossing your legs loosely at the ankles. This is a classically elegant way to sit, and is far better for your legs and your health than sitting with your legs crossed at your knees.

Not changing our toothbrush
How often do you change your toothbrush? Most of us wait until most of the bristles have either fallen off, or are in such bad shape that we’d be embarrassed to pull out our brush in public. However, since not many of us need to pull out our brush in public, we carry on with our frayed one until we lose it. Replace your toothbrush often. Damaged bristles can harm the enamel, and don’t massage your gums well. If you find brushing your teeth a pain like I do, but know you must do it, you might as well be doing it right. Imagine going through the annoyance of brushing your teeth twice a day only to find out that you’re damaging your enamel every time you clean your teeth. Also, use a brush with soft bristles unless your dentist has advised otherwise.

Eating out often
There are oils that are high in cholesterol, and oils that cause little harm and are better for your heart. However, no matter how light the oil is, it is never a good idea to eat too much of it. Avoid fried foods. Remember that in all probability your favorite Indian food restaurant throws a huge, HUGE chunk of butter in a tiny bowl of dal. Rita, who worked in the kitchen of a 5 star hotel, was shocked when she saw the cook chop a 500gm butter slab in half, and throw half into a Paneer Makhani dish. No wonder the customers left licking their fingers. And no wonder they felt so stuffed and heavy afterwards. Limit outdoor eating unless you know that you”re getting served light and healthy food.

Skipping breakfast
Never, ever skip breakfast. Remember, when you wake up in the morning it’s been around 10-12 hours since your last meal. Your body needs food now, more than at any other time. Eat a heavy breakfast. You will then be busy through the day, and the calories will get expended quickly. If you are trying to diet, eat a light dinner. Here are some more common health mistakes we make. Being informed and making a few changes can help make us feel a whole lot better.

High heels
High heels sure look great, but they’re murder for your back. This however doesn’t mean you should steer clear of stilettos. Wear them, but not when you know you will be walking around a lot. Wear them when going out for lunch or dinner – when the only walking you will be doing is to your car, to the table, and back. Avoid high heels when you are going somewhere on foot. If you are constantly tempted to wear your heels, take a good look at your flats. Is there something about them you dislike? Invest in a new pair of beautiful flats or shoes with a low heel. Buy something you love, that you will enjoy wearing. If possible, get a matching bag. You will then enjoy your flats as much as you do your heels.

Sleeping on a soft bed
You don’t have to sleep on the floor be kind to your back, but do make sure you have a firm mattress. Although a mattress on springs is soft and lovely to sink into, it’s bad for your back. If you already have an old bed with springs, you don’t need to invest in a new one – simply get a thick wooden plank put over the springs, and place the mattress on the plank. Similarly, if your mattress is old and lumpy, throw it out and get a new one. Your neck and your back will thank you. The same rule applies to sofas. If you will be spending hours on a sofa, get a firm yet comfortable one. Sofas you completely sink into are not the best idea.

No matter how comfortable sleeping with ten cushions is, have pity on your neck and resist. Sleep with one pillow, and make sure it is not too thick. If your pillow gets lumpy, discard it and go for a new one. Get a thin pillow if you sleep on your stomach, and something a little thicker if you sleep on your back, to give your neck adequate support

Not exercising
So all of us know we should exercise more, but many of us don’t. This is a health mistake we consciously make! And why is that? Simply because we refuse to admit the damage we are causing to our bodies by not working out. A number of people only start working out once they’ve experienced a warning signal. Don’t wait for a heart attack to strike before you decide to opt for a lifestyle change. Make the change now. You don’t need to train for the marathon to be in top shape. Half an hour of brisk walking three to four times a week will make a world of difference to your health. You could then increase this to forty minutes, four times a week – and you’re all set. If you haven’t exercised for a week, you’re making a mistake.